What is Coaching?
Coaching is a solution and future focused developmental approach that helps individuals develop their personal capabilities, interpersonal skills and capacity to understand and empathise with others. Coaching allows individuals to be more self-aware of themselves as well as the challenges they are experiencing, thereby making informed choices about their future. This helps strengthening their ability to use a range of influencing and leadership styles. Coaching opens doors of new possibilities for individuals, making them feel empowered to make a difference and improve their own effectiveness and productivity in life.
Coaching believes that each individual is the only expert who can recognise what is absolutely best for their lives. Coach is only an expert in the coaching process, who helps you discover your best through the process of coaching. Coaching allows you to make that shift, which leads you to make choices in each moment of your life both professionally and personally, enabling you to create an effective, balanced and fulfilling life.

A coaching relationship is:
- Conducted by a trained/accredited coach
- An engagement happens with a client who is willing to be coached
- An engagement with an agreed contract for the entire coaching journey, as well as for each session
- Dealing with a specific issue/challenge/problem to find a solution
- Setting clear goals and outcomes
- Time bound

What Coaching is not?
Unlike the common impression coaching is not about giving guidance or advise, or training individuals. Coaching is a through provoking journey which allows an individual to tap inside his/her own mind and unravel potentials which help him/her develop for future. Coaching is not about preaching people what to do and how to do it. It is about asking questions to an individual which lead them to create a pathway for themselves, enabling them to find their own solutions.
The Coach uses the Q&A method of coaching which is extremely effective at motivating people because the solutions are not dictated to them whereas the individual reach the solution by themselves. A coach is NOT a counsellor, NOT a mentor, NOT a trainer, NOT a facilitator, NOT a therapist and NOT a teacher. Coaching process does not involve teaching or advising, and the coach is not there to ‘direct’ and individual.
How Coaching Works?
Coaching works on the premise that the coachee is open and willing to be coached.
Coaching can used as a skill only on the person present in front of the coach
Coaching involves both parties to form a coaching contract, based on SMART, for both - the overall coaching journey and for each coaching session
It is recommended to commit yourself for a minimum of 4-6 sessions to begin with, to be able to see some results from coaching
Each coaching relationship is established in a safe environment and is extremely confidential. Everything remains between the coach and the coachee.
How Coaching Works?
Coaching works on the premise that the coachee is open and willing to be coached.
Coaching can used as a skill only on the person present in front of the coach
Coaching involves both parties to form a coaching contract, based on SMART, for both - the overall coaching journey and for each coaching session
It is recommended to commit yourself for a minimum of four -six sessions to begin with, to be able to see some results from coaching
Each coaching relationship is established in a safe environment and is extremely confidential. Everything remains between the coach and the coachee.

What can coaching help you in?
Coach and coachee engage in a partnership, where the coachee is seen as the ‘expert’ of his or her own life. The coach in this process only acts an enabler who has the skills to draw out of the coachee, the knowledge and potential solutions of his or her life, of which he or she was previously not consciously aware. Coaching can help an individual in various aspects of his or her life such as:
- Get clarity in your life and find its true purpose
- Tap into your hidden talents and potential
- Identify your vision and mission for life
- Increase your self-awareness
- Get rid of mental processes and biases which act
as an obstacle in your growth - Manage your stress and anxiety levels
- Create a growth mindset
- Create developmental pathways for your career
advancement - Achieve work life balance
- To develop your confidence and strengths
- Manage your time
- Be more productive
- Achieve your goals
- To develop healthy relationships
- To show gratitude in your life
- To make informed choices in each moment
of your life - Make a transition in your career
- Create a roadmap to find your dream job

What should you expect from coaching?
Coaching as a process is an overwhelming experience for most individuals which leaves an everlasting impression.
You should expect the following from your coaching experience:
- A safe environment where you can open up with your coach and talk about anything without any inhibition and feeling of judgement
- Homework, accountability, sharing successes and bottlenecks with your coach.
- Lot of questions leading to self reflection
- Involves facing yours fears, emotions and at times harsh realities
- Acceptance, discovery and insights about self

If you are...
Ready to act and are committed to make necessary changes in your life
Ready to take full accountability for your success throughout your coaching journey
Believe that anything is possible
Willing to be honest with yourself
Have the desire to live a much-fulfilled life by achieving your goals
…then life coaching is for you!